Please contact Toniq if you are interested in having this feature at your pharmacy.
Automated Texting Setup
Automated repeat reminders setup will be in a new option, only available to Administration permission holders, under 7. Administration > 8. Communications setup:
Under this new menu message users can 1. Maintain message templates and set up 2. Repeats due:
Message templates will also require to Administration permissions to minimise the risk of users changing them unintentionally.
Maintain message templates
Create a Message template for the criteria you set up (below). Separate templates can be made specifically for controlled drug or expiring repeats.
Note: Toniq inserts your Pharmacy name at the beginning of the text, so you don't need to.
Repeats due criteria
The new criteria screen retains many of the previous, familiar options, as well presenting some new ones.
Repeats Reminder Selection Options:
- Select repeats due in (days): If set to 3 days, the report finds repeats due today, tomorrow and the following 2 days. Therefore, if run daily, it will report on repeats due in 3 days' time.
- About to expire only: Use to remind those patients that their repeat is about to expire.
- Hint: Set up a separate reminder with a specific Message template to target these scripts. Run it before the regular reminders are sent so that this message will be received by people with expiring repeats.
- Exclude patients reminded in last (days): Set to ensure too many reminders aren't sent to patients.
- E.g.: 7 days means the patient will receive a maximum of one text reminder each week.
- LTC patients only: Limits selection to LTC patients only.
- Exclude LTC Patients: Will not select LTC patients.
- Include Institution Patients: Institutions are excluded from receiving text reminders by default. Set this option to include them.
- Include overdue items (up to x days overdue): Use this option to catch repeats that may have been missed.
- E.g.: The pharmacy was closed for a long weekend, or the report hasn't been run routinely.
- Include fees: This will report on fees, as well as medicines, that have repeats due.
- Patient Note: Enables filtering by Patient note to exclude patients who have this note on file or those who only have this note.
- Stock points: This allows the ability to set reminders per Stock point and will then only look for repeats for those stock points.
- Note: Multiple stock points can be selected, as shown above. Leaving the field empty will search for scripts from all stock points.
- Medicine: Enables the user to send a reminder for a specific Medicine or a few medicines.
- Medicine Class: Allows filtering the reminders by Medicine Class and to exclude Medicine Classes.
- Note: Can be used to send out specific Controlled Drug reminders.
- Pharmac Therapeutic Group: Enables filtering the reminders by Pharmac Therapeutic Group.
- Institution: To send reminders to one Institutions' patients or multiple Institutions.
- Patients with mobile phone: Set this to only search for patients with a mobile phone. If not enabled, the patients will show as failed in the Batch History of the Repeat Reminder.
- F4 Batch History: Review text messages that have been sent.
Note: Text Messages are never sent to patients with No Texts set on the patient file. Make sure this option is ticked for anyone that is not to be texted. No Texts is set automatically when patients opt out or send Stop and will stop the pharmacy texting them.
Automatic text messages will not send for patients marked as Deceased.
Automatic Repeat Reminders Schedule
The above screen is accessed by pressing F11 Next Page.
Multiple options can be set, e.g., for all stores, or for multiple days of the week:
- Auto Repeat Reminder: Set repeat reminders to run automatically in a set-and-forget manner.
- Run Day: Select a day of the week for the repeat reminder to run automatically.
- Run Time: Select a time of day for the automatic reminders to be sent.
- Store: Select the Store that the automatic reminders are to be sent from (multiple stores can be set up). Stock locations map to the Store to show who sent the reminder:
- Exclude texting on public holidays: Delays the automation from sending until the next business day (Monday to Friday) so as not to send texts on New Zealand Public Holidays.
- Note: This does not include lregional anniversaries.
- F3 Add: Once a Day, Time and Store has been selected, press F3 to add it to the Schedule.
- F4 Delete: Press to delete the selected option from the Schedule.
- Hint: If a patient is eligible to receive multiple reminders on the same day, use the Time to select which one should be the text that sends.
- E.g., Set up Expiring Reminders to send at 9.00am, Controlled Medicine Reminders at 9.10am, and the standard Reminders to go at 9.20am. In this way patients will receive the specific reminders if they meet the criteria.
- Hint: If a patient is eligible to receive multiple reminders on the same day, use the Time to select which one should be the text that sends.
- F9 Run: Manually run and text the reminders.
- Note: Repeat Reminders can still be run manually through the 6. Contact menu, but all changes to the criteria must be done in the 7. Administration menu.
- Hint: Use F9 Run to check which patients are selected by the criteria and make sure it looks accurate:
Automated Text replies
Replies to all text messages, including those sent from Automated Reminders, appear in Toniq. Both Dispensary and Retail alerts users to new messages by displaying a red icon on the top banner. This can be seen anywhere in the programs:
Replies are found in 6. Contact and 4. Contacts/clients from the main menu of Dispensary and Retail respectively, but they are only shown in their respective programs. For example, there won't be replies to messages sent from Dispensary in the Retail program or vice versa. The same for multi-store sites - each site will only see text replies to their own messages.
The replies screen presents a list of recipients with unactioned text replies in the last 30 days. When a recipient is highlighted (point 1 below), you will be presented with 180 days’ worth of conversational history:
- Note: By default, only unactioned recipients will be shown. F10 Hide Actioned toggles between actioned and unactioned recipients.
You can reply to a message directly from this screen (at point 3 above), simply use a message template by pressing F8 or free-type a message in the message box and pressing enter.
If the message box (point 3) is red a message will be displayed as to why you cannot send a message to this recipient:
If you have finished with the text reply, this can be marked as such by pressing F3 Mark Done.
- Note: This will set all replies for this recipient as Done.
- Hint: if you want to change messages to unactioned you can double-click the message.
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