This page is to document how to set up and use the Toniq "Ready Now" workflow.
To use the "Ready now" workflow, you need to have at least version 5.44 of Toniq Dispensary installed and have Toniq Texting enabled.
What is it?
The "Ready now" text is a workflow built into Toniq to allow you to quickly notify your patients that their prescription is ready - it is designed to be sent at the end of the dispensing workflow before the prescription is put on the shelf.
How do I use it?
The workflow is determined by the collection status of the prescription:
- If the prescription is uncollected, to trigger the prompt to send a "Ready now" text message, scan the barcode from the prescription receipt, this will produce a prompt to either:
Text patient prescription is ready
- This will attempt to send a text message to the patient using the predefined template (see Set up below)
- This will attempt to send a text message to the patient using the predefined template (see Set up below)
Collect prescription items
- This will take you to the workflow to mark items as collected
Text patient prescription is ready
- The prescription is marked collected, or your pharmacy does not track the collection status:
- Scanning the prescription barcode will take you to the history grid
- The "Ready now" message can be triggered from F10 Other > 1. Text prescription ready
Feedback on message
When attempting to send a text message, a notification will appear to inform you of whether the message was sent successfully. A text message will not be able to be sent if the patient:
- Is deceased
- Has no mobile phone number set
- Has dispensary texting disabled
- Is hidden
- Or, if there is no "Ready now" template set
Set up
The only configuration specific to this workflow is setting the template that Toniq will use for the message. As part of the 5.44 installation we have included a default template for this workflow.
The setting to change the template to another of your choice can be found on page 3 of the General options (Home page > 7. Administration > 1. Setup > 5. General options) in the Workflow options section. Alternatively, feel free to adjust the template to one of your choice!
Note: standard text message charges will apply for this workflow
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