Dispensary Electronic Claiming & Digital Certificates
- Claim Error Investigations
- Claim Errors: How to Resend or Resubmit
- Claim Errors: When to Resend or Resubmit
- Claiming Process
- Claiming: Deferring Uncollected Scripts
- Digital Certificate Renewal
Dispensary Administration and Updates
- Campaign Targeting Patients Under 14 and 65+
- Change Prescriber for Institution Patients
- Create URL Shortcuts in Toniq Under F1 Help
- CSC Lookup and $5 Co-pay Changes
- Dexamfetamine and Methylphenidate Supply Changes
- Estimating Co-payment Value (excluding under 14s, 65+, and exempt scripts)
Dispensary ePrescribing (NZePS)
- EPrescribing Background Information
- ePrescribing Resources
- eRx Date Checking
- NZePS / E-Prescribing intro/update
- NZePS Direct Troubleshooting (Medtech update)
- NZePS prescription deletions
Prescription Manager
Dispensary Contacts, Texts, Emails and Notes
- Setting up text and email templates
- "Ready now" text messages
- Automated Repeat Reminders
- Identifying potential patients needing new doctors' scripts
- Patient Templates (Diary Forms)
- Patient-Linked Tasks (Reminders)
Dispensary Lookups - Dr, SA, NHI, PSC, Addresses
- Introduction of 2 Prescription Codes
- Automatic CSC and PSC Lookups via NES API
- Covid Forms Integration User Guide
- Doctor Lookup
- Family PSC Lookup
- NHI Lookup – Setup, Use and Validation
Dispensary Reports
- Bulk Prescriptions for Class C Control Drugs
- Change Prescribers using Bulk Edit
- Community Patient Rx Cycles: Remind prescribers to issue New Rxs in a timely manner
- Create a Report of your Top Medicines
- Deleted/Edited Prescription Report
- Dispensary Stock Valuation Report
Dispensary Ordering and Stock control
- Medicine Purchase History
- Order Consignment files
- Ordering - Using Max SOH
- Ordering - Adding a Supplier Note
- Ordering - Blank Orders
- Ordering - Creating an Order in Dispensary
Dispensary Pricing
- Updating Pricing to Latest ICPSA Contract
- 1 July 2024 Budget Changes
- 2023 $0 Co-payments in Toniq
- After Hours Fees, Under 14's, Task Reminders
- Charging patients to run an Income Support report
- Fee Setup
Dispensary Dosepacks
- 2023: Processing Cycles for $0 Co-pay Changes
- Avoid Wasting Labels When Printing Dosepacks - Dosepack Mode
- Charts - Dosepack Charts vs Medicine Charts
- Create a List of my Active Pack Patients
- Cycle Processing - Original Manual
- Cycle processing and Stat medicines
- Abbreviations for Medicine Appearance
- ACC Invoicing
- Accuretic Transition Co-payment Discount
- Beginners' Guide to Toniq Dispensary
- CALs and Sigs in Directions on Labels
- Changes to Opioid Pharmac subsidy - 1 Nov 23
Dispensary Mixtures
- Add a note to a mixture
- Aseptic Service Dispensing
- Creating a New Mixture
- Extemporaneously Compounded Products and Galenicals
- Find Mixtures Containing
- Mixture Labelling - Dose Protected Methadone
Dispensary Audit Features
New Zealand Formulary Integration
Dispensary Southern Cross
Dispensary Services: Vaccinations, CDOS, CRC, CPAM
- Immunisation and Co-Administration Fees
- CDOS Service - Co-Dispensed Opioid
- CPAM Service - Find patients taking Warfarin
- CRC Service - Community Residential Care
- Flu Vaccinations 2024
- Flu Vouchers and NS Pricing for Flu Vaccinations
Dispensary Services LTC Long Term Condition
- LTC Contacting Pack Patients Needing New Rxs
- Live LTC updates to the EAR portal
- LTC "Unable to connect to EAR" error message
- LTC - Failed Updates
- LTC - FAQ's
- LTC - Find potential LTC patients