Do you have customers or professional colleagues that deserve a discount every time they shop with you?
Or perhaps you are trying to run a discount loyalty program for your regular or best customers?
It is possible to assign discounts to clients for both Retail purchases and Dispensed scripts (Rxs).
Clients can be configured individually from POS Selling, or in bulk.
How it works
Discounts are applied when tendering the sale, after all the items have been added to the sale.
If the user answers YES to the prompt, discounts are then applied to the sale items within the sale.
The total sale discount value ($) and percentage (%) are displayed bottom right of tender screen.
The item discounts and total saving discounts are also shown on the customer printed receipt.
Maintaining Individual Client Discounts at POS Selling
While in POS Selling during a sale, you can select and maintain a client.
- F5 [Client] (select client)
- F2 [Edit Client]
- F11 [Next Page]
Discounts can be assigned for either Retail sale items or Script (Rx) items.
NB: Leaving the field blank or 0 means no discount will be applied automatically.
Finding / Managing Clients with Discounts Assigned
This can be achieved via Bulk Edit Clients, with 2 options to find customers with existing discounts set up. They can be used independently or combined.
- 4. Contacts / clients
- F7 [Bulk Edit Clients]
- F11 [Next Page]
- Select appropriate option (see image below) Retail / Rx discount between, or Gets Retail / Rx Discount
NB: You can use other selection criteria if required, for example: Include hidden, In Club, use Transaction criteria.
- F12 [Accept Details] to generate the list
You can select/highlight clients using the up/down arrow keys, then F2 [Maintain Client] to view edit the highlighted clients details. Discount fields are on the second page F11 [Next Page]
Discounts can be set in bulk using F4 [Set Other], 6 or 7 Set retail/rx discount
Enter the discount amount into the field, then F12 [Accept Details]
When your editing is complete.
Save changes to clients F12 [Accept Details], Yes
To discard changes, Escape the list, Yes
Common Questions
Q. Can I prevent certain products from receiving a discount?
A. Yes, products have a Max Discount field. If this is set to 0.00%, then the product will be automatically excluded from ANY discounts applied at POS, including client discounts. You can also set the Max Discount to prevent discounts higher than x% being applied.
Below is an example with the customer discount (3%), a product with no discount, and a product with a maximum discount of 2%. Each product shows the discount amount being applied.
Q. Are staff warned if there are products without a discount?
A. Yes. A prompt appears for every product that has a maximum discount lower than the customers discount amount, or if the product has max discounts set to 0%.
NB: The above warning will prompt for each product with a discount override within the sale.
Q. The total discount % is less than it should be?
A. This is because a product within the sale does not allow discounts, or has a different maximum discount value. The value displayed is the total discount across all items in the sale. A warning also appeared to advise the seller that some items have not been discounted, or not discounted as much.
The user can escape back to the item screen to see how the discounts were applied. Or if the sale is already complete, you can recall the sale and view the products on screen.
If no discount appears for a product, the products Max Discount must be set to 0.00%
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