A grey transaction line on a Club Card record means that the sale has been recorded – for historical lookup - but has not contributed towards the club bonus balance.
These can happen for one of several reasons
The Hide flag on the CLUB CARD is ticked:
- stops bonus accumulation on the individual club card
- check 5 [Clubs]
2 [Maintain Club Cards]
F7 [Show Hidden] and recall the card record in question
The Hide flag on the CLUB is ticked:
- stops bonus accumulation on all cards for that particular club
- check 5 [Clubs]
1 [Maintain Clubs]
F7 [Show Hidden] and ENTER for a list to recall the club from
The Don’t Count Sales flag on the CLUB CARD is ticked:
- stops bonus accumulation on the individual club card
- check 5[Clubs]
2 [Maintain Club Cards] and recall the card record in question
The Don’t Count Sales flag on the CLIENT RECORD is ticked:
- stops bonus accumulation on all clubs for that particular client
- check page 2 of the Client record (through Maintain Contacts or POS Selling and recall Client)
Fix Incorrectly Greyed Out Lines:
If a club, club card or client record has been INCORRECTLY hidden or flagged, unset the ‘offending’ flag and edit the ‘grey’ transaction(s) – this can be done from within the Club Card record using F5 [View Trans].
You don’t need to change anything, simply recall the transaction, F2 [View], F2 [Edit], F12 [Tender], F12 [Accept Edit].
When you review the Club card now, the transaction should be black and bonus values will be recalculated. Any bonuses due will be available on the customer's next visit.
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