Preparing patients
Patients need to have a minimum amount of information setup. The following patient information must be set in Toniq Dispensary system before exporting:
- First Name
- Surname
- Date of Birth
- NHI Number
Preparing patient dosepacks
For the patient’s dosepack information to be exported to 1CHART, the following must be correct:
- The medicine must be in a dosepack in Dispensary.
- All dosepacks must have a start date within the last 120 days even if they are PRN. This will be used as a supply start date in 1CHART.
- All dosepacks must use the agreed dose times. This naming convention must be used for all dosepacks for that rest home. Except: Doses at specific times e.g 8am, 1430
- Dosepacks must be marked active
- For PRN packs the doses must be set to PRN
All dosepack items must have a script number, if not they will not be exported. In the dosepack these items will show as “No Rx” as below.
Setting the correct dose times
Prior to 1CHART implementation date the care facility and pharmacy must agree on a standard set of dose times that will be loaded into 1CHART. For example, if the agreed breakfast dose is Break, a dose time called B/fast or Breakfast will not successfully export to 1CHART. If there is an invalid dosetime, an error will occur and they will have to attempt the export of that patient again.
Allowed to specify a certain time of day for a dose - can only set times in half-hour increments, e.g. 1300, 1330.
If the dose times are different than what is currently being used, it may be easier to create a dosepack type with the correct times
Non-Packed/PRN medicines
Any loose or PRN medicines not in a dosepack either need to be added into a dosepack in dispensary or entered into 1CHART manually.
Short Course Medicines
For a medicine to be recognised as a short course one of the following needs to be true:
- It is setup in a short course chart section.
- It has a start date and a stop date in the medication.
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