Find and hide Inactive Debtors in bulk
From the main menu of Retail, select
- 3 [Debtors]
- 3 [Maintain Debtors in Bulk]
- F3 [Add], if F3[Add] not visible carry on with instructions below
- Type in your “Inactive Since” date
- Tick ‘Zero Balance only’
- F12 [Accept Details] to generate your list
To hide these debtors, select
- F10 [Other]
- 3 [Set/Unset Hidden]
- Tick the “Set” box
- F12 [Accept Details]
(Optional: if you want to add a credit limit so no one accidently charges to a hidden account, follow the steps “to set credit limit” before accepting the final changes.)
- F12 [Accept Details] again
- Y [Yes] to the ‘change debtors prompt’
To set credit limit, select
- F9 [Fees Limits]
- 1 Credit Limit
- Enter 0.01
- F12 [Accept Details]
- F12 [Accept Details] again
- Y [Yes] to the ‘change debtors prompt’
NB: As these debtors have only been hidden (and not deleted) they can be unhidden again at any time, should you need to reactivate the debtor account or if it has been hidden in error
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