Maybe your bank details have changed, or you want to promote email statements. Whatever the reason, sometimes you need to update the message displayed on your account statements.
Updating General Statement Messages
This is the default message your system will use when printing statements.
[3 Debtors]
[2 Debtor setup menu]
[2 Default statement messages]
Update the message as required then [F12 Accept Details] to save.
Update Account Category Statement messages
If you use Account Categories, you may need to update the messages here instead.
[3 Debtors]
[2 Debtor setup menu]
[3 Maintain account categories]
Spacebar select a category from the list.
If the account "Override general options and messages" ticked, then check the messages at the bottom of the page, update accordingly. [F12 Accept Details] to save.
Repeat this for all your account categories.
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