Applying a Credit limit prevents additional POS charges being made against that particular debtor account, once the Account Balance has reached the specified limit.
NB: A Credit limit of 0.00 means the debtor has NO Credit limit and they may continue to charge regardless of current balance.
Setting a Credit Limit
Individual debtors
From the main menu:
- 3 Debtors
1 Maintain Debtor Accounts - Recall the debtor.
(If the debtor is not displayed on the list press F7 [Show Hidden] and review the list again). - Enter the Credit limit required.
- F12 [Accept Details]
In Bulk
From the main menu:
- 3 Debtors
3 Maintain Debtors in Bulk - If you want to use this selection in the future type a recognizable name into the Criteria name field
- Use a criteria to recall a specific group of debtors (e.g. all debtors with a 3-month balance greater than $10).
- F12 [Accept Details] to generate the list.
- F9 [Fees, Limits]
- 1 [Credit Limit]
- Enter the Credit limit required.
- F12 [Accept Details] twice and select Y [Yes] to change debtors.
Staff will now receive a prompt at POS saying “Amount will cause account balance to exceed credit limit” and the customer should find another method of payment.
NB: Once a debtor has paid their account (or overdue balance) you may want to consider removing the credit limit again.
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