The purpose of this page is to provide information on the functionality of automatically printing prescriptions as they arrive in the Toniq Inbox
In order to have your prescriptions from the inbox automatically printed, you need the following:
- Toniq dispensary version 5.44 or greater
- Have the Toniq Inbox enabled
- Receive prescriptions into the Toniq inbox (via HealthLink, NZePS or forwarding emails to
How to ...
1. Turn it on
The configuration is nice and simple. Within the Toniq Inbox settings (7. Administration > 6. Exports setup > 7 Inbox setup):
- Set the workstation you wish to designate as the "autoprint workstation"
- Set the default paper size to print:
- Auto - Toniq will determine whether to print A4 or A5 depending on the size of the received attachment
- A4 - Toniq will print all items on A4 (and rescale any non-A4 items to A4)
- A5 - Toniq will print all items on A5 (and rescale any non-A5 items to A5)
- Restart Toniq on the workstation you have set
From there, any new item that is received into the Toniq Inbox will be printed by the set workstation to the printer size you have set. Once an item is received and printed, the status of the Inbox Item will be updated to "Printed"
Note, this will only work if Copy 1 of Toniq Dispensary is open - it does not run on Copy 2 (to prevent duplicated printing)
2. Change workstation
If you have previously set a workstation to be your printing workstation and wish to change it (e.g. moving a computer):
- Set the new desired workstation in the Toniq Inbox Settings "Autoprint workstation" setting
- F12 - Save the changes
- Restart Toniq Dispensary on the machine you want to start printing
3. Turn it off
If you decide that the printing isn't working for your workflows, no problem! To turn off the printing, go into the Inbox settings:
- Click on the "Autoprint Workstation" field and press Delete
- F12 - Save the changes
What about the existing printing functionality?
With version 5.44, we have not adjusted how the Inbox determines the paper size to print for an item that is manually printed using the F9 Print Attachment functionality. Using this button will cause Toniq to print the prescription to whichever size the original PDF is sized to.
What about historical items?
Toniq 'listens' for new entries in the Toniq Inbox since your pharmacy has turned this functionality on. Items received prior to the functionality being enabled will not be printed, and if you decide to turn it off and then back on in the future it won't print items that were received while the functionality was disabled.
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