The LTC Manager provides a summary of LTC registration statuses and highlights those that may result in loss of payment such as overdue reviews, patients who have not been dispensed to within 120 days, and failed registration updates to the EAR system.
On the main menu, a summary shows the number of registrations with issues that require action:
Using the LTC Manager
Pressing F7 LTC Manager lists all currently registered LTC patients according to information entered into Toniq.
Sort Functionality
Sort order F8
Loss of payment issues are shown at the top of the screen. But, registrations can be ordered by review due date, last dispensing date, last send success/failure and in NHI order to help with reconciliation to EAR.
LTC/EAR update failures
The Sort can be used to bring failed updates to the top of screen. Use F11 Resend Failed.
*Failure note: If the message details are presented (visible in LTC Details F3) indicating a failure due to a registration problem at EAR (Eg. Duplicate registration, different start date etc.,) then the communication has succeeded. There is nothing to be gained retrying an update on such a patient until administrative procedures have addressed the reason for the failure.
Filter F9
LTC registrations can be filtered to show just Mental Health patients (in secondary care) just those with a particular LTC status (e.g. Exited to ARRC?) or just those with a note containing some specified text (e.g. LTC STAT)
LTC details
Conditions currently assigned to the patient, registration dates and score are all displayed as patients are highlighted up and down the list. The current calculated score is also shown for reference. If the LTC registration points do not match the calculated points it may be worth reviewing the patient, especially if they are below the 20 point threshold for eligibility.
Exit patient from LTC Service
Use F3 LTC details, then F4 Exit to set the Exit date if necessary. Also change the LTC status to reflect the reason for exiting the patient.
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