Retail Point Of Sale (POS) Selling
- Ability to edit completed sales in POS is now restricted.
- Changing Tax details on Invoices and Receipts
- Clearing Parked Rxs and Transactions
- Client Search Options
- Client’s Outstanding Parked Transaction
- Discounting Scripts at POS
- Display Full Note When Prompted
- Displaying Staff’s Name on the Till Receipt
- Editing Till Receipts header and footers
- Eftpos/Credit Card manual card entry process
- Eftpos: Integrated / Interfaced / Standalone
- Enter a Valid Reason (voids, no sales, etc.)
- eReceipts (Email POS Receipts)
- Internet Payments (incl. WeChat Pay, Alipay, Laybuy) Manual
- No Interstore Supply Docket required
- Pay A/C and Buying Items in the same Transaction
- Petty Cash Expenses Recording
- Printing a quick quote for a client
- Printing A4 Invoices Direct from POS
- Printing Pharmacy LOGO on Receipts
- Processing Internet Payments
- Refunding a Script medicine
- Refunding a Transaction
- Remove/Hide deleted items from POS display
- Retail Till Mode / Server Off-line
- Selecting Customers in POS
- Selling Serialised Products
- Setup additional Manual Credit Card tender option
- Setup Quick Interstore Options
- Stop POS Receipts From Printing