When entering Directions, you can utilise Cautionary and Advisory Labels (CALs) when available:
If there are Standard warnings (shown in red) or Standard instr. (in black), typing "/" in the directions will expand all the available instructions onto the label. Alternatively, specify individual CALs by typing "/" followed by the appropriate alpha-numeric e.g.: /a, /10.
Sigs are unique to pharmacies and can be maintained in 7. Administration > 1. Setup > 1. Shortcuts setup > 1. Maintain sigs.
Setting Own Warnings and Instructions
In a medicine stock card, pharmacy-specific sigs can be entered in User CA warn. and User CA inst.:
Note: Each User CA field should only have one sig unless the sig is prefixed with a /.
The Override std C/A option can be ticked if you have set up your own CALs and want these to be used in preference to the standard warnings and instructions.
Typing the user-defined sig will expand on the label:
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