This option is to be used with extreme caution in rare circumstances. Once the chat is reactivated, the medicines will be available to give without requiring doctors approval.
You will need to have the Doctor update the chart as it will still have all of the historical medicine information on it and may not be up to date.
- Bring up the Patient List.
- Click on the History button.
- Click on the Patient Details button (the portrait button); this can also be accessed from the patient's chart/profile underneath their photo as well as in the Patient List screen.
- Click on 'Reactivate Patient'.
- Read the warning that comes up; advise them that the chart will appear as it did when the chart was marked 'Left Facility' (discharged) and therefore the doctor MUST review the chart prior to medicines being administered. Click 'Reactivate Patient' to reactivate the chart.
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