Doctors and other prescribers sometimes need to access other doctors' charts; this may be if they are working in an after-hours capacity or if they are covering another doctor's patients while they're away.
To reduce risk and promote safe searches while still allowing access, a prompt appears when a doctor attempts to access a chart linked to a doctor outside of their practice OR not allocated to a doctor at all.
NB: The doctor's practice MUST be linked to the facility in question in order to access ANY patients at that facility. Unlike HealthOne, a doctor CANNOT simply search an NHI number and expect to find it - they must have access to the facility where the patient's chart is allocated.
Accessing another doctor's charts
When accessing a chart linked to a doctor outside of their practice, doctors receive the following prompt:
The doctor must select 'Yes' to view the chart. Clicking 'Yes' is confirmation that they are intending to view and have the right to view this person's chart.
Selecting 'No' will return the doctor to the Patient List screen.
Accessing their own charts, but the patient is unallocated.
If a patient's chart has not been allocated to a doctor, ALL doctors will receive the above prompt when attempting to access the chart.
If the doctor is the main doctor for this patient, they should select 'Yes' in the prompt to confirm their access, then proceed to the patient details.
Select the 'Patient's Doctor' tab on the left. Clicking in the 'Doctor's Registration Number' field will bring up a list of the doctors available to the facility. The doctor can then select his/her name from the list, then save the changes.
They and any other doctor linked to their practice in 1CHART will no longer receive the prompt when viewing the chart.
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