Windows 7, Server 2008, and Server 2008 R2
5.44 will be the final Toniq version compatible with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2. If you are running one of these operating systems, future versions of the Toniq software will not install.
Integration System Updates
Integrated EFTPOS Verifone Vault
Toniq Retail will now install version 5 of Verifone Vault connection software, saving EFTPOS installers an additional step.
Fiji VMS IO Swagger
Fiji VMS integration files have been updated, facilitating a smoother setup.
eShopLink Shopify
API version 2022-04 is compatible until April 2023. We have reviewed and updated all existing customers connections. If you are still getting connection depreciation warning emails, please contact Toniq Support.
HealthNow Integration Coming
A new BNPL integration is coming for HealthNow in a future version. More info to come about this new payment service.
Other Changes in Retail
Allow removal of delivery instructions
Multi products now receive stock correctly on the first item within the multi product. When using multiple pricelists for orders, correct pricelist cost is used when generating the order.
Forex at POS
Foreign cash labels no longer display change.
We have added quantity limit checks when entering large stock quantities for stock moves and requisitions.
Living Rewards
Added ability to lookup purchase history for LR Member.
Add LR member to sale, F6 Living Rewards, O Open member activity.
You can adjust date range and reload, use Search to filter results, and export/print results in various
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