From the Main Menu:
- 2 Stock Control
6 Pricelists, Sell-Check
3 Check/Download Pricelists - Page down to the Black pricelists and place a tick beside the NEW price file that you want
- Press F3 [Add P/L]
- Tick the options that you normally require (e.g. Hide New Products, Match Update Exactly, Update Product Description)
- Under New product defaults select any options that you want all new products to inherit when added via this price file (e.g. if you want all new products to have a particular department, reprice method or markup enter these details here)
- Press F12 [Accept Details]
- Once pricelist is added, colour will change to green. Now follow below steps on updating/activating pricelist
- Highlight the Pricelist and Press F2 [Maint P/L]
- Optional: review pricelist reports BEFORE updating pricelist
Removed Products: Report Removed (F6 then F10)
You are looking for products that will need a new Std. pricelist after this update.
Escape or [F12] Print
Product Updates/Changes: Report Change (F7 then F10)
If you have already manually added some products from this supplier (and a matching criterion e.g. barcode or manufacturer code has been found) there may be some pricing changes displayed here.
Escape or [F12] Print
New Products Being Added: Report New (F8 then F10)
It is particularly important to review this list if you have been manually adding some products for this company. If products that you already HAVE IN STOCK or have ADDED MANUALLY to your database appear on this list, a duplicate product will be created, and you will need to merge the new and manually created product together after updated. Escape or F12 [Print] -
Then select F9 [Update Prod] and Y [Yes] to continue with update.
- If there are PLU code changes you will be prompted to ‘Generate label jobs. Always answer Yes to this question and check ‘Label Jobs’ for any new label job that needs printing as soon as you have finished the update.
NB: These label jobs should be printed, and items re-stickered immediately as existing price labels may no longer scan.
NB: There may NOT be a label job if you have no stock of these items, or they don’t use a Price label type. - When the update finishes, press F12 Accept Details twice to return to the menu.
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