You need to know WHAT products you plan to export, and GROUP them accordingly. You can use any of the following options for grouping:
- Department
- Catalogue
- Product Type
- Stock take Section
They should be in a collection no larger than 3000 products. Storbie cannot import more than 3000 lines in a CSV. If you want to import more than 3000 products, you need to split the groups into multiples.
Exporting from Toniq Retail
From the main menu in Retail:
- 6. Reports
- 1. Product reports
- 6. Product details
- Log in
If you have run this report before and have a saved report criterion, skip this section.
- [F3 Add] to create a new report.
- Give the report a name you'll remember (e.g., Web Export)
- Select your collection (e.g., Dept, Catalogue, Product Type) of web products.
- Tick appropriate options as needed (e.g., Include hidden or in stock only)
- First page should appear something similar to below:
- [F11 Page 2]
- Fill in the fields with the following:
- 1B, 1A, 1C, 1I, 2A, 6E, 1M
- Second page should appear exactly below:
- [F11 Page 1]
- You've finished setting up the report, DOUBLE CHECK YOU'VE GIVEN IT A MEMORABLE NAME
- Select your report from the list, saved under the name you gave it last time OR use the report criteria you just created.
- [F12 Accept Details]
- Rename "Export.csv" under CSV option to something appropriate (remember to add ".csv" at the end though)
- [F5 CSV File] --> Wait for report to complete --> [O]pen file location.
- Make a copy of the file, and save it somewhere safe e.g., Pen drive, or My Documents
- Repeat for as many web product groups as necessary.
(NOTE: Products only import if they have a PLU)
Starting from a blank tab in a web browser:
- Browse to the Storbie portal and login: (can tick "Remember me" if on a trusted computer)
- You should see an option for your online store, select "Manage products"
- Select the "Import products (beta)" option in the right hand side, above the "Modified" column
- Select these options for best results:
- Use "Toniq Product Import" (INSTEAD of Storbie Product Import)
- Select your import file (MUST BE TONIQ CSV FORMAT)
- Tick "Update stock levels for existing products"
- Select "Import all and merge existing."
- See below:
- Hit finish, and you will be loaded back to the products page
- You should see a progress/loading option at the top, that will give you a message when completed:
- Completed
- Completed with Warnings
- Failed
- Hit the refresh option, and check your new product data before publishing changes
If you are having issues with the export, call Toniq support.
If you are having issues with the import, send an email to & with an attachment of the export file. The import function is a Storbie feature, so may require contacting Storbie for further help.
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