Having an Rx code or '4' Reduced cost PHO set on a patient will override Dispensary's automatic Rx code recommendation, particularly if the patient has a Community Services card. The steps below outline how to remove patients' Rx code. See Removing '4' Reduced Cost PHO from Patients in Bulk for that process.
Creating a list of patients with an Rx Code set in the Edit Patient screen is a lengthy process, requiring spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel. The steps below will create this list, but each patient's Rx Code will need to be changed manually - there is no bulk change process to do this.
Step 1 - Dispensary
From the main menu of Dispensary:
- Go to 3. Reports >1. Business analysis reports > 4. Export data.
- Click F3. Add then press F11 Next Page twice.
- Tick Export patient data and press F4 Uncheck all, clicking P patient data export at the prompt.
- Tick Patient Id and Income code:
- Press F11 Next Page twice, press F12 Accept Details, and select C:\Toniq Users\Exports at the prompt.
Step 2 - Spreadsheet
Open a blank workbook in Excel, then:
- Select the Data tab on the top ribbon and then From Text/SCV:
- Navigate to C:\Toniq Users\Exports, click on Patient.txt, click Import, then Load:
- Click on the down arrow beside Income Code and untick the box (Blanks):
- Highlight column A, press Ctrl and click the Id cell to unselect it (i.e. select all rows except row 1).
- Press Ctrl c to copy the selected column:
Step 3 - Dispensary
- From the main menu, go to 6. Contact, press > F6 Contact List, select Patient - new contact list, then hit ESC once.
- Press F10 Other and select 4 Paste contact Ids.
- If copied correctly per step B5 above, the program will allow this paste step, and prompt:
- click Yes.
- If copied correctly per step B5 above, the program will allow this paste step, and prompt:
- This will bring up a patient list.
- Enter a Contact list name, e.g. Patients with Rx code and press F12 Accept Details.
Manually Remove the Rx Codes
To find current patients (e.g. those who have had a script in the last 6 months) whose code needs to be removed:
- From the main menu of Dispensary go to 9. Other > 2. Bulk edit patients and press F3 Add.
- Press F3 Date Range and select H Last 180 days (as a suggestion).
- Set Items to 1 and enter the list name in On contact list, then press F12 Accept Details:
The resulting list of patients can be printed out, using F8 Print List, to remove the patients' Rx codes at a later stage, or they can be removed from this screen:
- Press F2 Edit List and select Edit list patient by patient.
- For each patient on the list, press F2 Edit Patient, delete the entry in the Rx code field, and press F12 Accept Details.
- When all the patients' codes have been removed press F12 Accept Details again.
Note: if working from this screen, if work is interrupted and saved when not all the patients have been actioned, re-running the report with the same Contact List will result in the same list of patients, some of whom already have their Rx Code removed.
Toniq may be able to remove all Rx codes from patients, excluding placeholder patients such a services or facilities (i.e. those set with Rx codes of IS, NS, PS, and BS). This would directly change data in the pharmacy’s database and would require the pharmacy to do a backup after closing on the night of the change. Please contact Toniq to enquire about this and book in a date.
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