Automated CSC Lookup
Toniq is rolling out the automated Community Services Card lookup from July 2024 via the 5.69 program update. See Automatic CSC and PSC Lookups.
Most pharmacies will have returned the form to receive the credentials for this lookup from Te Whatu Ora Health NZ. The program will be updated with the CSC lookup feature when Toniq receives credentials from Te Whatu Ora.
- Note: Pharmacies with shared databases, e.g. parent/child sites, only one site may have credentials. This will result in an orange exclamation mark showing next to patients' names instead of a green tick.
Is your program not suggesting the right Rx code for some patients?
- If a patient has '4' Reduced cost PHO ticked, the Toniq program will suggest a 4 script code, e.g. A4, regardless of CSC status. To remove these in bulk, follow the steps in Removing '4' Reduced Cost PHO from Patients in Bulk.
- If a patient has an Rx code set, this will override Toniq's automatic recommendation. The manual process to remove these is described in Removing Rx Code from Patients.
$5 Co-pay Changes
1 July 2024 Budget Changes has a section on the re-introduction of $5 co-payments. It covers Community Services Card holders and the new S script code, amongst other topics. It also has a table outlining every Rx Codes pre- and post-1 July as an appendix.
- Note: if a patient believes they are entitled to a Community Services Card, and one was not sent to them automatically, they can ring 0800 999 999 to ask for an application form or see Community Services Card.
Further Information
- See Preparing for Co-pay Reinstatement.
- If you are considering discounting co-payments, see Estimating Co-payment Value and Pharmacy Co-payment Discounting.
- For the automated CSC lookup feature, refer to Automatic CSC and PSC Lookups.
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