Toniq has developed an automatic Entitlement lookup functionality, which directly connects to Te Whatu Ora’s National Entitlement Service (NES).
Entitlements stored in the National Entitlement Service are:
- Community Services Cards
- Prescription Subsidy Cards
From 1 July 2024, Toniq will connect to NES for Community Services Card lookups.
Automated PSC Lookup is available in Toniq versions 5.73 and above.
Automatic CSC Lookup During Dispensing
When selecting a patient in the prescription entry screen, a small icon to the right of the Patient/ Rx field will indicate the status of the API Search:
- Spinning: The entitlement search is underway and has not finished.
- Alert: There was an error searching the Entitlements for the patient and their family members, possibly due to a connection error, or no credentials, etc.
- Tick: The Entitlement search has finished for the patient and family member:
Once the Entitlement search is complete, Entitlements will automatically be applied to the patient and dependent children. When Toniq searches for Entitlements, it is done for all family members, for cases such as where the patient is a child and the parent has a CSC card that should apply to the child.
If the prescription was priced before the Entitlement search finished, on selecting F12 Accept Rx, a screen prompt lets you know that entitlement cards have been added and asks whether you want to update the prescription code. If Yes is selected, the Rx Code will automatically be updated, and the prescription will be re-priced.
Community Services Cards can be applied to both a card holder and their dependent children. Therefore, Dispensary has been programmed to apply cards automatically based on patients' age.
- Cards will be applied to the cardholder and family members under 18 years old.
Example: a child from split family with shared custody
This scenario describes a teenager that is in two family units across two pharmacies. Parents 1 and 2 are eligible for Community Services Cards and are each issued with one. As the teenager is under 18, they will become a dependent of CSC Card 1 through the family unit at Pharmacy 1. When the teenager visits Pharmacy 2 with Parents 3 or 4, the teenager will have CSC Card 1 applied to their account, but this card will not transfer to Parents 3 and 4.
The Entitlements search functionality is also programmed to work for prescription cycle processing; with the same family search and automatic entitlements added to the patient and eligible family members.
- If a prescription code has changed due to an added entitlement, the Audit log will show this information in red:
- If the Entitlement search failed, a connection error is shown in the Audit log:
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